Contract Law Context for Service Level Agreements
A service level agreement (SLA) is a kind of contract which sets the understood and legally bearing conditions, or level, for a certain specific kind of commercially offered and accessed service.
As with other kinds of contracts also passed in the commercial and business world, a service level agreement will necessarily involve at least two entities signatory to the contract and thus subject to its provisions, thereby establishing a legal relationship, as could be further used, upon claimed instances of violation or illegal modification thereof, to furnish the grounds for a process of civil litigation transacted in the U.S. legal system.
Identifying Service Level Agreements
A service level agreement must necessarily be identified in order for the correct application of U.S. contract law, in terms of those contracts passed which specifically designate one party to the document as being the customer and the other as being the entity furnishing a particular service to that customer. A third party contract, necessarily, is thus precluded from the language considered as applying to service level agreements.
Subjects for Service Level Agreements
Some of the functions which might be covered under service level agreements can be expected to comprise categories such as:
Different Service Level Agreement Types
A service level agreement might potentially comprise customer-based, service-based, multi-level, corporate-level, customer-level, and service-level service level agreements, as legal measures commonly applicable in such cases.